Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Road To Hell

Trying to concentrate on the good things that I am doing takes more effort that self criticism.  My plan was to get up early and hit the gym here in the hotel.  Today's excuse is that I got in to the hotel late and didn't get to sleep until well after midnight and then woke up at 630-too late to work out before working from 8am to 7pm.  I fully recognize that is just another in a long line of excuses.  I wonder how I am going to motivate and help my patients move forward when I am not making fitness a priority.  I am not sure how folks who work long and crazy hours make fitness fit in their daily schedule.

I can be less than patient with folks who aren't employed when they tell me that they don't have time to work out or walk etc.  But some of us are mad, crazy busy working long, long hours ( This week I am working 10 hour shifts in one the busiest clinics I have ever worked)  Tonight's plan is to get to bed much earlier, so I will have at least 30 minutes of time for a physical work out.

On the positive side- I kept the Daily Challenge.  I made healthy food choices all day. I actually drank nearly enough water even though the walk in schedule was very busy in the clinic.  I listened to a third 3rd book this week.   The first two on marketing and now the Audible version of How to Win Friends and Influence People- Dale Carnegie. I am planning on using some of the positive talk to see if I can get my M.A. to do something. 

Waiting not so patiently to hear the news about the clinic build out.  I am trying to trust that it will not be as expensive as I fear.  They are going to have to be seriously creative not knock out those block walls.

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