Friday, August 3, 2012

Staying on Track

Today, during those quiet moments at work between patient's I found an interesting link on Twitter about  fitness trackers. I was tempted to order one of those shiny, expensive  trackers and was nearly convinced that if I bought one, I would suddenly exercise more, eat healthier and stay on track with all my health goals  That may be true for a few weeks, but eventually it would end up in a drawer keeping my resistance bands,  pedometers and tape measure company.  Technology isn't the answer for me. Jaime Escalante was right- What I need is ganas.

Pretty pleased with my first attempt on Tabata workout. I am not sure I did it right, but tomorrow is another day.  I tried it with just a body weight squat, but I know it wasn't my full intensity at fist.  Glad to be making the effort to be back on track

Today was a day booked with sports physicals, well child checks and back to school exams.  One child was not over weight. ONE.  That is right, ONE. I listened to an overweight mother express frustration with her 14 year old daughter whose BMI was 43%.  I asked the mother who bought the food and prepared it. She told me that the rest of the family was trying to eat healthier and she was fixing two separate meals because the overweight child would not eat vegetables and only wanted pizza and hamburgers.  How the hell is this happening? All day, every day- parents are telling me that their child won't eat anything but junk.  The junk that the parents buy and serve up.

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