Monday, July 30, 2012

Practicing and Preaching

Some days I feel a little guilty encouraging my patients to make healthier choices, when I am not in the best shape. . I mean, I am by no means a super model, but I am not ready for the biggest loser either. I actually relate to the same struggles that my patients complain about- busy schedule, long work hours, lousy weather,  and endless other excuses to drive through for that burger, or skip the exercise.  I was reading a Deepak Chopra tweet about that guilty feeling that we all get when we look in the mirror and realize we are not in the best shape.

I am starting this blog as a place to share my own struggles and successes. A place to talk about things that I am trying or reading.  I hope that a few health care providers and wellness folks join in to share some of their stories as well.

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