Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Progress Notes

Reaching goals isn't always as easy as I imagine. There are always those unexpected roadblocks that need some creative thinking to work around. This once only a dream idea of providing the quality of healthcare that I know is possible is taking shape. It is even much bigger and more beautiful than I had imagined on my own.

Each day brings a new and sometimes surprising development. Today, the architect that will help us with our build out showed us even more wonderful ideas than we had imagined on our own.  During our walk-through today we sadly discovered that some walls that need moving are load bearing. All of the thick walls that we thought were dry wall or lathe and plaster are actually mason walls with drywall on the outside of them, meaning that knocking some of them down may mean that we have to get permits and inspections which could be VERY bad for us.  Then one of the partners came up with a very creative idea for working around everything. The architect was inspired to think more creatively.

So, we have our practitioners, we have our space, we have a mission and we even have some amazing business plan ideas. Now, the hardest work begins as we each individually and collectively form our legal structure. We are all caregivers, health care providers-healers...none of us are skilled at this next phase, but we are excited to learn and grow in this leg of our quest.

I am grounded enough in reality to understand that in a perfect world even though we are promised to be ready for patients by late fall- October, or early November, life can happen.   There are nearly always interesting events along the way.  But we are getting there and I am so very joyful!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Practicing and Preaching

Some days I feel a little guilty encouraging my patients to make healthier choices, when I am not in the best shape. . I mean, I am by no means a super model, but I am not ready for the biggest loser either. I actually relate to the same struggles that my patients complain about- busy schedule, long work hours, lousy weather,  and endless other excuses to drive through for that burger, or skip the exercise.  I was reading a Deepak Chopra tweet about that guilty feeling that we all get when we look in the mirror and realize we are not in the best shape.

I am starting this blog as a place to share my own struggles and successes. A place to talk about things that I am trying or reading.  I hope that a few health care providers and wellness folks join in to share some of their stories as well.